The IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing announces a forthcoming special issue on “Application-based Image Processing Technologies” to be published on December 2017. A significant progress on image processing technologies can be found in a wide variety of technological fields such as Robot vision, Medical image processing, Facial expressions and gesture recognition, Intelligent transport systems (ITS), Disaster management systems, and so on. Such progress has been brought about by the fulfillment of a variety of demands in targeted application systems. From this point of view, this special issue is focusing on the image processing technologies driven by various image processing application systems. Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers to this special issue. The solicited technologies will include theories, methodologies, implementations to achieve high quality and cost-effective image related application systems.
1. Topics covered include but not limited to
2. Submission Deadline
Friday, June 30, 2017
3. Inquires
IIEEJ Office E-mail:
4. Online Submission