
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

IEVC2024 | Paper Submission | Journal Track

About Journal Track  Important Dates  Manuscript Template    Pre-Entry Submission   Paper Submission for the IEVC2024 conference    Paper Submission for the journal    Camera-Ready Papers Submission

Editorial Manager

About Journal Track (JT)

The general papers category is divided into two types: Journal Track and Conference Track. Journal Track aims to publish the papers on the journal in addition to the publishing in the conference, with a quick review process. This type of papers will appear in a special issue on “Journal Track Papers in IEVC2024” in the IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol. 12, No. 2 (June 2024), if accepted through a journal review process. The authors have to prepare two types of papers, different in the amount, the paper for the conference and the paper for the journal. The latter one is the extended version of the former one. For the procedure, click the figure below and refer to the “Journal Track” column.

Differences between the three categories

Important Dates

Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors, 100 words abstract): September 15, Friday, 2023
September 29, Friday, 2023 (extended)
October 6, Friday, 2023 (extended)
Paper Submission (2-4 pages for the conference): September 29, Friday, 2023
October 13, Friday, 2023 (extended)
October 27, Friday, 2023 (extended)
Paper Submission (8 pages for the journal) : October 27, Friday, 2023
November 10, Friday, 2023 (extended)
Editorial Manager
Notification of Conference Acceptance: November 17, Friday, 2023
November 24, Friday, 2023 (extended)
December 8, Friday, 2023 (extended)
Camera-Ready Paper (2-4 pages for the conference): December 15, Friday, 2023
December 29, Friday, 2023 (extended)

Manuscript Template

In the Journal Track, you must submit two types of manuscripts, one for the IEVC2024 conference and one for the journal (IIEEJ Transaction) paper.

Templates for the IEVC2024 conference are here: MS Word / PDF / TeX (zip) / TeX (tar.gz)

The manuscript for the IEVC2024 conference should be written in 2 to 4 pages and submitted to EasyChair with the following copyright.
The copyright forms for the IEVC2024 conference are here: MSWord / PDF

Templates for the journal (IIEEJ Transaction) paper are here: MSWord / PDFTeX (zip)TeX (tgz)
When using the TeX files, please use “esample.tex” in the unzip files. The manuscript for the journal (IIEEJ Transaction) paper should be written in 8 pages and submitted to Editorial Manager with the following copyright.
The copyright forms for the journal (IIEEJ Transaction) paper are here: MSWord / PDF

Please write all of these manuscripts in English, convert them to PDF, and submit them.

Pre-Entry Submission (Due date: October 6, Friday, 2023 (extended))

The Pre-Entry Submission is available on the above site (EasyChair). Follow the below steps to pre-entry.
(1) If you do not have an EasyChair account, you need to create your account at the beginning. For instructions on how to create an account, please click here.
(2) Please log in with your account and press “make a new submission”.
(3) Please fill in the necessary information. Abstract should be around 100 words. Please submit your 2-4 page manuscript to the “Paper” section, not the “Camera-ready version” section. You can submit your PDF manuscript at a later date (until the Paper Submission date). You can also submit the Copyright form at a later date (until the Camera-Ready Papers Submission date).
(4) Please press “Submit” button.

If you want to modify it after submitting it, refer to the section of Paper Submission below.

Paper Submission for the IEVC2024 conference (Due date: October 27, Friday, 2023 (extended) )

Please follow the steps below to submit your 2-4 pages manuscript. Not required if you have already submitted the Pre-Entry.
(1) Access to EasyChair, log in with your account, press “author”, and press “view”.
(2) To submit your manuscript, select “Add files” in the upper right corner. If you want to modify other items, select “Update information” or “Update authors” on the upper right.
(3) After updating your manuscript or correcting it, press “Submit” or “Update Information”. Please submit your manuscript to the “Paper” section, not the “Camera-ready version” section.

Paper Submission for the journal (IIEEJ Transaction) paper (Due date: November 10, Friday, 2023 (extended))

Editorial Manager

Please submit the 8 pages manuscript on Editorial Manager. If you are using it for the first time, you need to create an account. Please read the linked explanation for details. You can switch between Japanese and English with the tab on the upper right and the button on the lower right. Please see the journal submission page for details on the journal submission rules (but only in Japanese).

Camera-Ready Papers Submission (Due date: December 29, Friday, 2023 (extended))

Camera-Ready Papers submission for the IEVC2024 conference also uses EasyChair. Follow the below steps.

(1) Log in to EasyChair and select “author”.
(2) Click “View” of your manuscript.
(3) Click “Add or update files” in the upper right.
(4) Add your manuscript in Camera-ready version. If you haven’t submitted the copyright (MSWord / PDF) yet, submit it here. Both file formats are PDF.
(5) Enter “Submit” button.


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