IEVC 2024 | About & Committee
Purpose Topics Conference Committee Technical Program Committee History
The International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing 2024 (IEVC2024) will be held in Tainan City, Taiwan, on March 11-14, 2024, as the 8th international academic event of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ). Past IEVC conferences were held in Cairns, Australia (2007); Nice, France (2010); Kuching, Malaysia (2012); Koh Samui, Thailand (2014); Danang, Vietnam (2017); Bali, Indonesia (2019); and online (2021). The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers, developers, and students from various fields in academia and industry to discuss the latest research, standards, developments, implementations, and application systems in all image electronics and visual computing areas.
The conference will cover a broad set of research topics including, but not limited to, the following:
- 3D image processing
- Bioinformatics and authentication
- Computer vision
- Data hiding
- Image analysis and recognition
- Image and video coding
- Image and video retrieval
- Image assessment
- Image restoration
- Mobile image communication
- Motion analysis
- Object detection
- Printing and display technologies
- Segmentation and classification
- Smart display
- Versatile media appliance
- Animation
- Content production
- Extended Reality
- Metaverse
- Modeling
- Non-photorealistic rendering
- Rendering
- Visual computing
- Visualization
- Architectural industry mondiale
- Artificial intelligence and deep learning
- Big data and cloud computing
- Content delivery network
- Digital museum, digital archiving
- Generative AI
- Hardware and software implementation
- Interaction
- International standards
- Security and privacy
- Social secured cybertechnology
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Visual and hearing impaired support
- Visual communication
Conference Committee
- Honorary Chairman
- Naoki Kobayashi (Saitama Medical Univ.)
- Conference Chair
- Yuriko Takeshima (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
- General Co-Chairs
- Kitahiro Kaneda (NAGASE & CO., LTD.)
- Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee (National Cheng Kung Univ.)
- General Vice-Chair
- Seishi Takamura (Hosei Univ.)
- Technical Program Committee Chair
- Osamu Uchida (Tokai Univ.)
- Technical Program Committee Vice-Chairs
- Yuki Igarashi (Ochanomizu Univ.)
- Masahiro Ishikawa (Kindai Univ.)
- Finance Chair
- Kiyoshi Tanaka (Otsuma Women’s Univ.)
- Finance Vice-Chair
- Eri Yokoyama (Osaka Institute of Technology)
- Publication Chairs
- Hideki Komagata (Saitama Medical Univ.)
- Kai Lenz (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
- Executive Advisors
- Kiyoshi Tanaka (Shinshu Univ.)
- Jhing Fa Wang (National Cheng Kung Univ.)
The Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC) conferences have been held in Cairns/Australia, Nice/France, Kuching/Malaysia, Koh Samui/Thailand, Da Nang/Vietnam, Kuta Bali/Indonesia, and online since 2007.