
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

IEVC 2021 | Presentation

Oral Presentations       Poster Sessions / LBP Poster Sessions

Oral Presentations

  • Oral speakers will have 15 minutes to present your paper and 5 minutes for questions and comments. It is absolutely essential that speakers keep on time to allow attendees to move among the concurrent sessions.
  • The online presentation will be conducted via Zoom. Please share your presentation slides from your own PC. Please test your webcam and audio in advance.
  • The URL and usage of the Zoom were emailed to participants on September 6th. (Updated on September 7th)

Poster Sessions / LBP (Late Breaking Papers) Poster Sessions

Poster presenters will be required to attend two sessions: Fast-forward (FF) and Poster presentation sessions. Please check the poster ID here, and follow the guidelines as described below:

Fast-forward (FF) Guidelines
  • Each presenter have one-minute short presentation in this session. This session will start at 16:10 on September 8th via Zoom.
  • FF presentation files are collected in advance and the committee will merge their files. Presenters should follow the instructions below to create and submit the FF presentation file.
    • Download a PowerPoint template file from here. The file is 16: 9 widescreen.
    • Do not include author ’s name and title in your file. We, the committee, will insert slides containing that information.
    • Set up an automatic slide transition on your PowerPoint application in the following ways: On the Transitions tab, in the Timing group, under Advance Slide, select the After check box, and then enter the number of minutes or seconds that you want. The total time should be 1 minute.
    • Change the “xP-xx” part of the PowerPoint file name (“IEVC2021_FF_ID_xP-xx.pptx”) to your own poster ID.
    • Submit the file here ( by September 6th.
  • On the day of September 8th, the committee will automatically play the slides without audio. Each presenter will make voice presentations via zoom.
  • Once the previous presenter has begun the presentation, the next presenter should also turn on the microphone. Please turn off the microphone when the presentation is over.
  • The URL and usage of the Zoom were emailed to participants on September 6th. (Updated on September 7th)
Poster Session Guidelines
  • Presenters applied for the Conference Track (CT) of the General Papers will start the poster presentation at 15:50 on September 9th. Presenters applied for the Late Breaking Papers (LBP) will start the poster presentation at 14:15 on September 10th.
  • Each presenter will make a one-hour online poster presentation using a TeleAgora (web service).
  • Please prepare your poster in 16:9 widescreen size and thumbnail image of 600 × 600 pixels. Please create both files using your software (such as PowerPoint or Photoshop) and convert them to image files (such as jpg or png).
  • Please enter your Google Drive thumbnail image URL, poster image URL, and Google Meet video chat URL by September 7th, 2021.
  • Detailed instructions on how to use the Teleagora were emailed to poster session presenters on September 2nd.  (Updated on September 6th.)
For participants other than presenters
  • The poster session will be held for the following 3 days. All are in Japan Standard Time (JST).
    • Fast-forward (FF) session will be started on Zoom from 16:10 on September 8th.
    • Posters session of the General Papers will be started on Teleagora from 15:50 on September 9th.
    • Posters session of the LBP will be started on Teleagora from 14:15 on September 10th.
  • Detailed instructions on how to use the Zoom and Teleagora were emailed on September 6th.


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