The red-yellow-blue (RYB) color model is a subtractive model based on pigment color mixing and is widely used in art education. In the RYB color model, red, yellow, and blue are defined as the primary colors. In this study, we apply this model to computers by formulating a conversion between the red-green-blue (RGB) and RYB color spaces. In addition, we present a class of compositing methods in the RYB color space. Moreover, we prescribe the appropriate uses of these compositing methods in different situations. By using RYB color compositing, paint-like compositing can be easily achieved. We also verified the effectiveness of our proposed method by using several experiments and demonstrated its application on the basis of RYB color compositing.
Junichi SUGITA† (Member), Tokiichiro TAKAHASHI†† (Member)
†Tokyo Healthcare University, ††Tokyo Denki University/UEI Research