Call for Papers
IIEEJ Editorial Committee
The IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing announces a forthcoming special issue on “Internet of Things and its Related Technologies in Image Electronics” to be published on December 2018.
In recent years, a wide variety of devices such as mobile phones, small and/or wearable sensors, automobiles, consumer electronics, medical instruments, and factory machines are increasingly designed to operate over the internet. These connected devices, commonly called Internet of Things (IoT), are expected to create new social values. For example, it is reported in white paper on information and communications in Japan that the IoT is predicted to increases 1.5 point of the economic growth rate. Moreover, from a viewpoint of Image Electronics, widespread of small optical devices in mobile phones, automobiles, or personal computers are also regarded as IoT devices because these devises can be used as general-purpose sensors which can sense variety of imaging information. Image Electronics operating this imaging information will be one of the main technology to enhance studies of the IoT.
Based on the above observation, the editorial committee plans to publish the special issue on Internet of Things and its Related Technologies in Image Electronics. This editorial committee will widely ask for submissions for the papers of the following topics.
Image/Video Processing, Image/Video Recognition, Image/Video Transmission, Computer Graphics, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Wearable Sensor, Ubiquitous Computing, Computer Vision, A.I., Machine Learning, Image/Video Analysis, Object Recognition, Gesture Recognition, Big Data Analysis/Management, Image/Video retrieval, Data Security and Privacy, Personal Authentication, Digital Watermarking, Data Communication/Network, Image/Video Coding, Image/Video Compression, Image Quality Assessment, Image Input/Output, Image Applications, Systems Applied Image Electronics Technique, Other Fundamental and Application Technique.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
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